Semi-Finals – West Division – Results

Today we continued our Semi-final races in the West Division and the championship race turned out to be the closest race yet! It came down to Super Chromes and Yellow Lights. At the start of the race Super Chromes appeared to have the race in the bag and pulled out to a commanding lead. But Yellow Lights kicked it into high gear and caught up to Super Chromes and the two cars came across the line at what appeared to be the exact same time.

Only a hair of a difference was all Super Chromes needed to claim the victory. Had the track been any longer the race would have gone to Yellow Lights.

And a HUGE Congratulations to kortt on getting all 4 points! This is win number 1 for kortt and joins the other winners on the Wall of Winners.

Final Results

out of 4 possible points

2Homebound 3
4Homebound 1
6Joe Exotic0